Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Choose 2 topics from Cyberwellness

  • Cyberbullying
  • Danger with Cyber Contacts
  • Computer Security
  • Copyright
  • Internet Addiction
I am going to choose the topics Computer Security and Danger with Cyber Contacts.
    Computer security:
    Computer security is any software that protects you from viruses. There are different types of virus like Trojan horse,adware,spyware and computer worms.

    Spyware disguises itself as a software in the computer.It can be a MP3 file or something else. But its intentions is the same. It takes your passwords and credit card numbers from the computer and uses them.
    It can be removed by anti-spyware programs.

    Computer worms are a self replicating malware computer program.They spread but do not alter the systems they pass through.However,almost all worms affects the network.Worms like Morris worm and Mydoom can cause major disruption to the network.Worms can be sent through email or created by the worm author.The worm creates a backdoor in the infected computer to allow creation of a "zombie" computer.They are used by spam senders to send junk email or to cloak their websites address.

    Trojan horse is a kind of malware that looks legal and can be downloaded but it actually allows the hacker to access the system.It can display advertisements on the desktop or in uncontrollable pop-ups or it may download a toolbar on the user's web browser without telling the user first.The hacker can do various things using the horse.It can be installed through software downloads,email attachments etcetra.It can only be removed if you install anti-virus software or you erase all data from the hard disk.

    Adware is a software which displays itself in the form of advertisements.Most are not malicious but some adware may come with integrated spyware.Some adware may also be classified as malware.There are programs developed to remove adware such as Ad-Aware,Spybot-Search and Destroy etc.

    As there are many viruses on the net,one must be careful with what you download online.It would be best if you do not download anything at all or you make sure its safe first.Also,to stop pop-ups from popping up,the best would be to adjust your internet settings to block pop-ups.Now on to my next topic!

    Danger with Cyber Contacts:
    There are two types of cyber contacts.First is the type whom you know in real life and online.Second is the type that you only know them online and not in real life.

    The first type you know you can trust as you have met them in real life before,for example,your friends.While for the second type,you cannot trust them as you have not met them before.They might be giving you false details about themselves.Then they will ask you to reveal your details.This can put us and our families into danger.So I will give you some advice!

    Firstly,to protect yourselves,do not share personal details like your name,age,home address,email address,photographs or passwords when visiting websites or chat rooms.Set your profile to private setting and do not accept any stranger as your online friend.Only visit chat rooms or social networking sites that your parents have approved.

    Secondly,if ever any of your cyberpals ask you to meet them,decline or either get your parents to go with you.It is also best to tell your parents to get their permission.Also,if you really want to go,do so in a public place for example a shopping mall where you are familiar in.As a shopping mall has crowds,it is best to go there as if the person is telling a lie and tries to steal from you,he/she will not be able to escape.

    Lastly,be wary of any cyberpal that speaks bad about your friends or your family.Leave the chat room immediately if the conversation is making you uncomfortable,weird,afraid or confused.Say No firmly if the person is trying to persuade you into meeting up or to give him/her personal details.Leave the chat room if the person persists.

    That's all I have for this post!See you next time!

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    PL G.R.A.C.E Values

    PL GRACE Value      
    A PL-lite will demostrate G.R.A.C.E as part of life. She is well mannered and appreciates life. She is cultured and possesses a sense of wonder and joy in life. The PL grace value is broken down into 5 different titles.

    G stands for ‘Godliness’. The definition of godliness is to live a life that is pleasing to God, virtuous and upright. As PL school is a Christian school, we always put God in first place. To show godliness, we must set our eyes on him and put our heart into worship.

    R stands for ‘respect’. The definition of respect is to respect self, others and be respected by society. We have to respect everyone decision and try to get everyone satified with the same decision. If someone wants privacy, we must respect them giving them their personal space that they want. When we want respect from others, we first need to respect others. Through the grace value respect had allow me to control my temper by making myself listen to others until they finish talking. Simple actions like greeting the teacher with a big smile on your face, brings a happy start to everyone and your respect to the teacher who teaches you. Simple actions like not interrupting your friend when he or she is speaking, in class, raise up your hand before asking a question, respect yourself by taking care of your body.

    A stands for all-round excellence. The definition of all-round excellence in everything we do; to be resilient and innovative. Being all-round excellence is to do well in everything, academic, sports, music. The school have all the facilities to let us be an all-round excellence pupil. The knowledge in music, sports, academic allows me to use in my everyday lives.

    C stands for commitment. The definition of commitment is to be faithful, responsible and dedicated in performing one’s role. We have to be committed in everything we do as well as give our best. Without commitment, we might just leave the job half done and go into another thing.

    E stands for enthusiasm. The definition of enthusiasm is to live with purpose and passion. We should put our heart into doing everything and with great enthusiasm and enjoy all the things we are doing. If we put in great enthusiasm in doing everything, the results will be the best and the quality would also be the best. For example, if you do not put in enthusiasm in doing your project, you will be not putting your heart into doing your past, your work will not be a good one. If your part is not well done, your partners will also suffer. However, if you are enthusiastic in doing your part, your work would be a well done one and your group will get the results that you wanted. 

       In conclusion, the G.R.A.C.E value is very significant. The grace value help us to fulfill our vision : An outstanding school producing woman of fine character with a passion for life and learning. 

    BY: CONSTANCE ONG 2-4 (9)

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    Pl's Grace Values

    These values are what our teachers taught us in school.We are supposed to follow these values and show an example to the younger ones.The values are

    Godliness-To live a life that is pleasing to God,virtuous & upright
    Respect-To respect self and others, and be respected by society
    All-Round Excellence-To pursue excellence in everything we do;to be resilient and innovative
    Commitment-To be faithful,responsible and dedicated in performing one's roles
    Enthusiasm-To live life with purpose & passion

    Write out how you feel about each of the GRACE Values and how it benefited you.

    Firstly,what does the value of Godliness mean to me?Well,it teaches us to love God and to influence others to love God as well.I feel that it is good as people will see a good example in us and follow it too.In order to be a good PL-Lite,one must be well mannered and appreciate life and to be cultured and possess a sense of wonder and joy in life.It benefitted me as I learnt how to show care and concern for others.I had to be pure in thought,speech and action.It might seem easy to say but it is not easy to do.I also had to stand up for what is right.This year,I was more involved in community service.The values helped me to understand that I have to help the needy gladly instead of being grumpy when i do it.It helps me to bring joy to their lives as I am happy when I do it,so they will be happy too.

    Now,for the second value 'respect',the value teaches us that we have to respect others as well as ourselves.If we do not respect ourselves,then how can we respect others?So first to respect ourselves,we must dress nicely.Then we can begin respecting others.How do we do that?Well,we respect others might not forcing our friends to say somethin if they do not want to say it(unless it is potentially harmful)

    All-round excellence-Our teachers want us to show it everywhere we go.So,we do our best in our exams,in sports and all the things we can be good at.We must never give up and continue trying.Even if it seems that there are too many obstacles,we must keep on trying.For example,I failed a test.So I have to study harder and persevere.

    Commitment-We must be commited to our task.Even if it seems difficult at first,when you get it over with,you find out its pretty easy.At camp,I learnt how to set up a fire.It got extinguished very quickly but when it got going,I had fun!So always be commited to your task.

    Enthusiasm!!!!!!-It is not difficult to do but if you were woken up on a Monday morning to go to school,you would find it hard to be enthusiastic.But on activities the school requires you to participate in,you have to be enthusiastic.And I find that more fun as when you participate in activities enthusiastically,you enjoy yourself more than those just standing around doing nothing.

    Well,goodbye.I'll see you in the next post!